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When/When was Key Club Founded?

(A) Sacramento 1925
(B) New York City 1970

(C) San Francisco 2005
(D) Los Angeles 1970

Answer: A

Who made up the membership of the first Key Club?

(A) Students
(B) Kiwanis
(C) Key Boys
(D) Key Girls

key club picture 1.jpg
key club picture 1.jpg

Answer: C

What are the colors of Key Club?

(A) Red, White, Blue
(B) White, Blue, Gold
(C) Red, Yellow, White
(D) White, Gray, Purple

Beaver with Logo 2.png
Beaver with Logo 2.png

Answer: B 

What is the Key Club Motto?

(A) Caring- Our Way of Life
(B) Uphold Community Service
(C) Work Hard and Succeed 
(D) All the Above 


Answer: A

What are the Four Core Values of Key Club?

(A) leadership, controlling, helping, and working
(B) caring, helping, working, and building
(C) leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness
(D) character building, working, leadership and helping


Answer: C

Which of the following is the college level version of Key Club?

(A) Builders Club
(B) Circle K
(C) Action Club
(D) Kiwanis International


Answer: B

Who is Division 8 LTG for the 2022-2023 service year?

(A) Noami Muang
(B) Yifei Wang
(C) Laura Holloway
(D) Millard Fuller


Answer: B

What is one thing you should always say at a Key Club Event?

(A) What?
(B) I love service
(C) We feel good! Always feel so good oh!
(D) Respect us

Answer: C

Division Mascot.gif
Division Mascot.gif

Answer Key: A,C,B,A,C,B,B,C

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